Steps To Free Your Stuck Car This Winter

Snow is fun until you become a driver, then it just becomes a hassle and a downer. The worst is having to wake up early to make it to work and then sliding right into a snow bank or not being able to get out of your driveway at all. Here are the steps that you should take when getting freeing your car from the snow.

Before The Methods
Before getting in and trying the following methods, dig the snow out from in front, underneath and in the back of your car. Clear a path long enough for wheels to move forward and back a few feet if space allows. Remove any snow that it higher than ground clearance. During big snow storms, keep a shovel handy. If you don’t have one, at least try to break up any ice that’s formed below the tires. Also, dig out the tailpipe before you start your engine to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

The Forward-and-Back
Move forward just a bit, then slowly back, then up again, applying a bit of gas. This can get rid of loose snow and possibly give you the traction to get out. Listen carefully, though, and if you hear any tire spinning, stop immediately.

The Brake
If your vehicle didn’t move at all or a tire is spinning, try braking while, at the same time, giving it a little gas. This should decrease the spinning while transferring power to the wheel. If able to, try turning the wheels slightly the other way and see if that aids in gaining traction. Don’t try this method for long, though. No more than a few seconds as it can overheat your brakes.

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If possible, try to find some Good Samaritans that can give you a hand- or rather some muscle. Double some extra muscle with an ounce of gas, but be aware of your helpers and always ensure their safety.

Sand Or Kitty Litter
Adding sand or kitty litter beneath your tires can add traction that won’t damage your tires. It’s worth keeping some in your car during the winter months, just to be safe and have extra options if you get stuck. Don’t ever use antifreeze to melt the snow or ice. This toxic substance can find its way into storm drains and waterways. Salt is also not recommended, as it’s corrosive and can damage the undercarriage of your car.

Always be prepared when your car does break free. If you feel any vibrations, check to be sure that there isn’t packed snow and ice on your wheels. If you can’t break your car free, hunker down and call a tow truck as soon as you can. Check out essentials to keep in your car during the winter months.

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